Saturday, January 5, 2019

Rusape Community Church 

While thinking about what I could share in this blog, that family might not be aware of, I remembered a letter which I had, written to my dad and mom Ken and Rosemary Ziehl, from Bill Clark, Chairman of the Rusape Community Church Executive, on September 20, 1989.

In the letter Bill Clark writes:

For some time now we, the Rusape Community Church, have felt the
need for an extra facility a to accommodate a Sunday School Branch
and to this end we now have embarked upon a small hall next to our
present sanctuary.

We have set a date to commence building this hall now with the
estimated cost round $60,000. In the course of our
deliberations we naturally came to the point of discussing what
this hall should be named! The decision was to name it the Ziehl
Memorial Hall in honour of your Mother Susan; and Father, Lenny.
Your Father had donated the Land to the Church and had maintained
A close relationship ever since together with your Mother who for many
Years was a stalwart in the Women’s Association and in Church

We therefore feel honoured to have been associated with your
Parents in the building of the Lord’s Church in Rusape and proud
and humble now in being able to perpetuate Lenny and Susan’s memory
in a tangible form.

We extend a very warm welcome to you to participate with us in this
venture, ensuring the well being of our children and equipping them
For the future with a sound Christian grounding.

A Ground Breaking Ceremony following the Morning Worship Service on
Sunday the 8th October has been planned. We would be honoured
to have you with us on that occasion.

Pop Gran was definitely a “stalwart in the Women’s Association and in Church Affairs.” As a child, I remember her sewing room on Alpha Farm always had some garment or other in the process of being made for a church bazaar or fete. I knew she was a religious person without her saying as much. My dad always said she was a saint. Although the people that attend the Rusape Community Church now may never know why the Hall is called the Ziehl Memorial Hall I am grateful that I do and for the contribution that Pop and Gran made to the church and to the community.

 Letter from Bill Clark of the Rusape Community Church Executive